
Catch up on the latest news from the 计算机科学 department.

National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. 刘兴亚(PI), Assistant Professor from the 部门 计算机科学, 是文理学院的一部分

National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. 刘兴亚(PI), Assistant Professor from the 部门 计算机科学, 是文理学院的一部分, a $180,000.通讯部拨款00元, 电路, and Sensing-Systems (CCSS) program under the division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS), 奖项编号:2025307, 对于标题为 利用上层频谱感知和方向性获取隐藏的可用频谱 for a period of three years starting in Aug. 2020.

This project will have a significant impact on enhancing radio spectrum access. 传统的频谱感知和接入技术所造成的频谱资源浪费,仅靠物理层是无法解决的. 因此, 结合了上层网络技术来发现和访问隐藏在物理层检测之外的额外可用频谱. 

该研究将对具有动态频谱接入的新兴技术的研究产生重要影响, 比如车载网络, mobile health and opportunistic interconnections of heterogeneous wireless networks. 所提出的设计也可以应用于物联网(IoT),物联网设备可以有效地访问广谱. 

This project provides excellent opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. The scope of the project is well suited for forming the basis of M.S. 论文. 精心设计的演示可以帮助学生理解通信和网络的复杂概念, assisting effective classroom teaching and inductive learning. 关于无线网络的主题和大量来自这个项目的输入将被纳入本科和研究生水平的课程. 

Dr. 京张, Associate Professor in the 部门 计算机科学, has received funding from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

与Texas A合作&M AgriLife 研究 Center at Beaumont, Dr. 京张, Associate Professor in the 部门 计算机科学, has received funding from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), a federal agency within the United States 部门 Agriculture (USDA), for a three-year project titled "A Digital Rice Selection System that Integrates UAV Imaging, 机器学习, and Multi-Trait Decision-Making" (USDA-NIFA Award #2022-67021-36584, $650,000, 首席PI:博士. 杨玉斌,德克萨斯州A&M AgriLife 研究 Center at Beaumont. 十大电子游艺网站排行 receives $160,000 as the subawardee, Lamar's PI: Dr. 京张).

该项目的主要目标是将传统的水稻作物研究转变为以数字和技术为中心的研究范式. 该项目将开发先进的机器学习算法来提取关键的水稻物候, 形态, and architectural traits from UAV imagery during critical rice growth stages, 创建基于多性状的机器学习模型,用于最终的地上生物量和稻米产量估算, and build a multi-criteria decision-making system for best-performing rice genotype selection.  

Dr. 张和他在十大电子游艺网站排行的研究团队将帮助开发机器学习算法,从不同作物阶段获取的无人机图像中提取作物特征, the integration of multi-dimensional and multi-temporal traits, and the implementation of the digital rice selection system.  

Dr. Zhang还获得了一项名为“提取预后图像特征的系统和方法”的专利. Maciej Mazurowski, Duke University; Dr. Lars Johannes Grimm, Duke University; Dr. 张静(十大电子游艺网站排行). This patent is useful for determining lesion severity and disease prognosis for breast cancer, which is a leading cancer diagnosis among women with more than 230,000 new cases a year in the United States. 该专利系统和方法可以提取和分析与乳腺癌分子亚型和预后相关的图像特征, 因此, 通过在没有正式基因分析的情况下识别癌症亚型,为乳腺癌提供临床益处.



Cardinals Esports places third in FORTNITE season for central conference in Cstar league. The FORTNITE team is comprised of Gabe Ruff and Kenny Ho (left to right in the attached photo), two Freshmen 计算机科学 Majors. Gabe Ruff and Kenny Ho met in 计算机科学 Cardinal Community, where they both said their favorite thing to do was play FORTNITE.

The dynamic duo secured their top three finish in the final match of the season in Jan. 2020. Kenny Ho had a standout performance in this tournament, getting second greatest number of 赢得S和14. When asked about the finish Kenny said, “it was easy”, clearly confident in his skills. “After we fluked the first two rounds and I got heated. But I knew I had to stop being nervous. I had to play well, because if we lost I was only going to cash out $50. 我不想把50块钱兑现. After that we won the third round and we got a lot of points in the final round.”

Gabe Ruff also played well, putting up solid numbers and making the strong finish possible. For their third place finish each player won $1,250 in scholarship money.  With their third place finish they qualify for the FORTNITE season playoffs, 他们将在哪里面对来自每个分区的前八名球队,并有机会被认为是全国最好的. 

红雀队的电子竞技 部门 计算机科学为这些学生所取得的成就感到自豪,并期待着即将到来的一切.

2019 High School Programming Contest

Our 2019 High School Programming Contest was held in Jan. 2019. 来自5所高中(Little Cypress Mauriceville high school)的约76名高中生和老师参加了此次活动, 朋友镇高中, Sabine Pass高中, Liberty High School and Seven Lakes High School), 以及十大电子游艺网站排行的教职员工, staff and student volunteers at the contest. 主持人是博士。. Jane Liu, University Professor from the 部门 计算机科学.

The programming contest was in the morning, followed by a lunch buffet in the Dining Hall, and a campus tour as well as the award ceremony in the afternoon.

Check the following link for details:

12新闻出品的《十大电子游艺网站排行》(Dark Web)

Dangers of Dark Web: East Texas man accused of searching for young girl to cannibalize

Dr. Stefan Andrei, Chair of 计算机科学, was interviewed by local news station, 12新闻. Please watch the video below to see Dr. Andrei discuss the world of the dark web.

21-year-old Alexander Barter appeared in Federal Court in Beaumont on Halloween. Authorizes said he used the "dark web" to search for a child to defile. His gruesome plan was stopped by undercover agents with the Texas 部门 Public Safety. 这些可怕的指控让我们的新闻编辑部开始发问,什么是暗网,它是如何被使用的?

National Science Foundation has awarded 十大电子游艺网站排行 a $516,031.00格兰特

我们很高兴地宣布国家科学基金会授予十大电子游艺网站排行516美元,031.在其主要研究仪器计划的条款下,为购买混合CPU/GPU高性能计算集群(HPCC)拨款100万美元。. Dr. 张静(PI),博士. 王素静(副主任). Frank Qingguo Sun (Senior Personnel) from our department (计算机科学, 是文理学院的一部分) and Dr. Yueqing Li (co-PI, 部门 Industrial Engineering) as well as Dr. Tao Wei (co-PI, 部门 Chemical Engineering – Dr. 魏于2017年夏末辞职,不再与拉马尔合作)获得了美国国家科学基金会的奖励, 奖项编号:1726500, 对于标题为 核磁共振成像:为十大电子游艺网站排行的研究和教育获得混合CPU/GPU高性能计算集群 for a period of three years starting on October 1, 2017.

With the exponential growth in data acquisition and data generation in multiple research areas, 传统的计算机服务器/工作站不再足以处理当前数据集的规模和复杂性. 混合CPU/GPU HPCC已经成为各种前沿研究和教育活动不可或缺的工具.

这项为期三年的赠款支持购买具有混合CPU/GPU处理器的最先进的HPCC, 这将使部署最适合的计算节点来执行传统的基于cpu的计算成为可能, 基于gpu的, and hybrid CPU/基于gpu的 data-intensive computing tasks at LU. 该仪器将显著提高异构计算能力,极大地促进成像基因组学领域的各种研究项目, 深度学习, 大数据, 计算神经科学, 分子物理学, 先进材料研究, 科学优化, 水和空气质量分析, 交通系统, 电子结构计算, nucleic acid biomarker discovery and epigenetics and many more. 该仪器也是一种重要的教育工具,有可能培养教师对开发新课程的兴趣,这些课程将把最先进的研究纳入本科和研究生课程. 所有训练有素的学生都可以使用优秀的计算机环境,这将拓宽他们的知识和研究经验. 实践经验将进一步为学生提供独特的培训,这将提高他们在未来职业生涯中的竞争力. 当地的高中生将有机会参观LU的数据中心,体验HPCC的力量, 向未来的研究人员和工程师展示现代技术的有效手段是什么.



十大电子游艺网站排行计算机科学系很高兴地宣布了一项学生项目,即创建基于阿凡达的虚拟校园. 本项目由计算机科学系和创新与商业化创业中心支持. This platform provides a virtual look for Lamar Campus with buildings of interest. 阅读更多